Polyclinique Medical Moussa is a 50 beds Our services include : General Medicine, Geriatric, Pediatric, Endoscopy, Surgery, OBGYN, Orthopédic among other services. e are dedicated to enhancing the health and comfort of seniors through personalized, compassionate care. Our experienced team works closely with each individual to create a tailored plan that supports their unique needs. We prioritize dignity, safety, and emotional well-being, ensuring a high standard of care every step of the way.
During the first four months of operation, Polyclinique Medical Moussa has provided free medications and medical services including: Surgery, OBGYN, Orthopedic, General Medicine, Family Medicine, and Cardiology to more than 300 patients’.
Your Partner in Health and Wellness.
PH: +2 (227) 8637 9821 PH: +2 (278) 8104 41
Quartier Tchangarey à côté du château vert, Niamey - Niger